Comments Posted By Susan in Seattle
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My, my, Mr. Smart1 Said:

First, conservatives are not weak-minded nor the mind-numbed robots many left bloggers blather about. In fact, conservatives had to reject all the in-your-face reporting found on the Big 3 for years and their local newspapers and national news magazines. Conservatives had to search and find news reporting that echoed their own sentiments. The brain-washing is definitely on the left, and the left-wing politicians know how to spin the propaganda. You, sir, are a brainwash victim.

No, the tea party protests are not sponsored by big right-wing groups. In fact, the first protest that I'm aware of began here in Seattle in February. I listened to Kirby Wilbur (570KVI) in the morning, getting ready for work, the morning a young mother called in upset about the passing of the Stimulus package without our elected officials reading it. She felt she needed to learn to become an activist. For more on this go to This was long before FNC started reporting on the rising protests.

Next, the bank bailouts, etc. were caused by events that occurred in the Clinton administration and overseen in the Bush Administration by Democrats. There is enough blame to go around both parties. Google "September 30, 1999" "new york times". This reporter actually predicted the TARP bailouts after the Clinton Administration continued to put pressure on FMAE and FMAC to lend to individuals that have not proven themselves credit worthy. This was a full year-and-a-half before Bush took office. And so the snowball rolls downhill.

Then, inheriting a $450B deficit does not preclude a $9T spending package! Voters from both parties are angry about this logic. Conservatives are cleaning house. We are wanting to get rid of liberals masquerading as Republicans, having done so because it was the best way to get elected. We are wanting to appeal to moderates that have found themselves voting Democrat when their fiscal ideology more closely fits the conservative movement--less government, more personal responsibility. And by the way, I work daily with medicaid and medicare individuals. Of the medicaid group, nearly 80% dress better than I do and I make good money. The other 20% truly need our help. So, how did the 80% get on welfare? They lied. And many of the ones that told the truth didn't qualify for benefits at all. Solution? Clean up government.

And finally, your arrogance bleeds between your words. You are so proud of your intelligence that you fail to recognize your lack of common sense. Most of us on the right recognize the sound-bites that the leftists spew. Next time, Smart1, do your research before you open your trap. Verify the stories that you've been fed!

Comment Posted By Susan in Seattle On 15.04.2009 @ 14:00

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